The most recent pic of me.. Chillin at Blair's house one night while we were goofin off (May '00)

The best pic of me that's been taken in a long time! (Jan '00)

I look so young in this picture! (Feb '00)

Me on Valentine's Day - take a good look I don't wear a dress often! (Feb '00)

Me in the outfit I wore to the Rocky Horror Picture Show - I don't usually dress like this, so don't get the wrong idea about me! (Mar '00)

Me sitting at Dave's computer (Nov '99)

Me painting outside on the Trinkle porch (Sept '99)

Me relaxing in my dorm's TV lounge (Sept '99)

My senior picture (July '98)

This pic was taken about 4 years ago...I haven't changed much. (May '96)
**Check out the BIG 15 if you want to know more about me**