All about Josh!

Misc. Pics

F.A.M.E. Network
Florida Actors
Josh's Main Page
March 14, 2001 |
My personal apologies for not updating this site in forever. Josh hasn't exactly been helping either! I'm currently awaiting new pictures from him to post up here.
The lazy bum, um, Josh hasn't been up to much of anything lately. Working at Wal-Mart and going to school really seem to tire him out. I called him last night to get info from him, and that was all I got!
November 10, 2000 |
Josh just recently completed work on a short film for school entitled "Ay Dios Mio", Written and Directed by Rosemaire P. Gravas. Don't worry folks, it is in English. Someday when Josh is famous this will be a definite collector's item.. Something to think about.
Tomorrow - Josh intends to change the oil in his truck.. all by HIMSELF!