September 13, 2000

*M* and I are friends again. I just thought I should tell everyone that before they think he's a big ass.

My ex's current girlfriend keeps IMing me.. it's kinda getting annoying. She's telling me that she doesn't want us to be friends. I think she thinks I want him back. (Ain't that a laugh Blair?) Um.. if that's what she thinks she can think again. I'm too happy with Christian to give him up and *P* (my ex) was a total jackass when we were together. So I know I'd never make that mistake again.. Then she's getting her friends to IM me telling me to back off *P*.. I'm trying to contain my laughter as I write this.. Whatever right? Still laughing..

I just want to say that boys are confusing. Between Mike playing with Jenny's head, Josh playing with Blair's.. it's a wonder that those two haven't lost their minds!!! Geez!!!